Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition

Learn about the fourth annual 2024 Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition. It's a hands-on opportunity to work on a cross-disciplinary team and to use business and markets to solve real-world social justice and environmental conservation challenges.

Are you an undergraduate student ready to see how business can change the world?

The Center for the Business of Sustainability is organizing the fourth annual Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition. The competition allows you to work on a cross-disciplinary team, to use business and markets to solve real-world social justice and environmental conservation challenges.

The competition is a hands-on opportunity to work on a cross-disciplinary team, to use business and markets to solve real-world social justice and environmental conservation challenges.  Student teams who make it to the finals will have the opportunity to present in front of some of today’s leading sustainability and social impact executives.

The competition is organized by the Smeal Center for the Business of Sustainability, Smeal Diversity Enhancement Programs, Lincoln University, and Morgan State University.

Student teams who make it to the finals will have the opportunity to present in front of some of today’s leading sustainability and social impact executives. 














Spring 2025 Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition

This year’s case will focus on the growing presence of AI. Given the fast-paced nature of this growing technology, it brings questions about how AI can be used to promote sustainability. The need for realistic and impactful analysis of this technology is evident and we believe that students have a valuable perspective. Student teams will be tasked with understanding this topic and formulating a relevant solution that could be implemented in a local community.

Fall 2024 Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition

This case competition focused on the challenge of food waste in our communities. In the US alone, billions of pounds of food are wasted annually. The need for realistic and impactful solutions is evident, and we believe that students have a unique, fresh outlook on solving such immense problems. Student teams were tasked with researching this topic and formulating a relevant solution that could be implemented in a local community. A student team from Indiana University earned first place.  

Spring 2024 Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition

The Spring 2024 case focused on the housing crisis many people face on a day-to-day basis as well as the sustainable solutions that 3D printing poses while combatting the crisis. Housing is a basic need that needs to be met so individuals and families can thrive. This year's competition asked teams to take a deep dive into these issues, highlighting solutions that are applicable within their local and surrounding community. A student team from The Pennsylvania State University - University Park earned first place.

2023 Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition

The 2023 case setting focused on food insecurities and student teams were challenged to tackle the issue in their local community. Food security is especially widespread following the COVID pandemic and businesses can play a role in reversing this worrisome trend. Despite being widespread, it is not evenly distributed, and higher levels of food insecurity and hunger are found in African American, Latino, and Native American communities due to systemic racial injustice that has led to reduced access to consistent, quality nutrition among other barriers. A student team from The Pennsylvania State University - Lehigh Valley earned first place. 

2022 Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition

The 2022 case setting focused on COVID-19 and issues associated with vaccination availability, accessibility, and acceptability. People of color in the United States have been disproportionately affected by Covid-19 and yet these communities also have faced the largest barriers when it comes to gaining access to vaccinations—and relevant, effective education about the benefits. A student team from The Pennsylvania State University - University Park earned first place. 

2021 Smeal Undergraduate Sustainability Case Competition

The 2021 case setting focused on an equitable business response to climate change. More specifically, contestants will be asked to work at the intersection of clean energy, climate change, urban renewal, and/or rural economic development.  A student team from The Pennsylvania State University - Lehigh Valley, earned first place.