Student Leadership
Integrity Advocates
Made up of undergraduate students, the Integrity Advocates group supports the initiatives of the Honor and Integrity program. The organization provides the skills and opportunities necessary to translate ethical leadership from backpack to briefcase.
Learn more about the students who are already putting their commitment to ethics into action:
2018-19 Committee Members:
Frank Guerra - President
Major: Supply Chain Management
"I wanted to join the club to make students aware of the dilemma of making money while also being ethically correct."
Natalie Sánchez - Vice President
Major: Management
Minor: Entrepreneurship & Innovation
"I decided to form part of the Smeal Integrity Advocates, a group of highly motivated students which hold each other accountable, to enhance the importance of honor and integrity through one's career life."
Madison Flanders - Secretary
Major: Accounting
"Honor and Integrity is so important at Smeal because as future business leaders, the students of the college need to understand that ethical behavior is always the best option, no matter what type of pressure we are facing."
Paulina Pellecer Aguilar- Marketing Officer
Major: Finance & Economics
"I joined Smeal Integrity Advocates because I wanted to help create an environment where people are encouraged to do the right thing and be their best."
Francesco Liciaga - PSU 6 Lead
Major: Supply Chain Management
"I chose to get involved with H&I here at Smeal to expose myself to a topic that not many people talk about that is crucial for professional/social development which has helped me garnish a new understanding of ethics and its application to my everyday life."
Samantha (Sam) Schmitt
Major: Finance & Sociology
"From my prior experience in other leadership roles on campus, I have always valued doing what is right and making sure others do the same. I enjoy the opportunity of using my prior leadership experience with honor and integrity to help Smeal!"
Tyler Farr
Major: Finance & Statistics
Minor: Mathematics & Economics
"I wanted to become a Smeal Integrity Advocate because my entire life I have maintained the highest ethical and moral standards and I like the idea of helping spread the word and getting others to do the same."
Christian Centenera
Major: Supply Chain & Information Systems
"I joined the Smeal Integrity Advocates to bring about more awareness for honor and proper ethical behavior in both the classroom and business world."
Jose Urdaneta
Major: Finance
Minor: Management Information Systems
"I believe integrity is one of the most important values we can have because it defines who we are. I decided to join the Smeal Integrity Advocates in order to meet people who also believe in the importance of integrity and to spread it across the Smeal College of Business."