Accounting Ph.D. Placements

Smeal College of Business Accounting PhD student placements

The Accounting doctoral graduates for the last eight years are listed below by year of graduation with thesis title, committee, and initial placement.


Recent Placement Records
Logo Placement Information
Logo for University at Buffalo.

Castellani, Vincent 2024

Thesis: Essays on Corporate Disclosure and Certification for Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs)
Committee: Muller (Chair); Bonsall; Givoly
Initial Placement: University at Buffalo

Logo for University of Texas at Arlington.

Richardson, Paul 2024

Thesis: Do Audit Partners Serve as Information Intermediaries? Evidence from Audit Partner Macroeconomic Expertise
Committee: Bonsall (Chair); Aobdia; Hills; Neilson
Initial Placement: University of Texas at Arlington

Logo for Singapore Management University.

Park, Kyungjin (K.J.) 2023

Thesis: Essays on Corporate Disclosure Related to the Changes in the Recent Investment Trends
Committee: Muller (Chair); Givoly; Gee
Initial Placement: Singapore Management University

 Logo for Georgia Southern University.

Hagerty, Alyssa 2022

Thesis: Sources of Relative Bargaining Power and its Effect on Corporate Tax Enforcement 
Committee: Givoly (Chair); Muller; Louis; Wellman
Initial Placement: Georgia Southern University

Logo for United States Securities Exchange Commission. 

Orton, Lyndon 2022

Thesis: Are Friday announcements special? Limited investor attention and unanticipated disclosure
Committee: Bonsall (Chair); Muller; Neilson
Initial Placement: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

 Logo for University of Manitoba in Canada.

Yu, Dawei (David) 2022

Thesis: Does social capital affect risk taking in corporate pensions?
Committee: Muller (Chair); Bonsall; Xie; Gustafson
Initial Placement: University of Manitoba in Canada

Logo for University of Delaware 

Boghossian, Mirna 2021

Thesis: The Economic Consequences of Supplier of the Year Awards
Committee: Muller (Chair); Bonsall; Wellman; Moran
Initial Placement: University of Delaware

Logo for Maastricht University. 

Gogar, Apoorv 2021

Thesis: Frequency of Financial Reporting and Bank Loan Contracting
Committee: Louis (Chair); Muller; Bonsall; Haushalter
Initial Placement: Maastricht University

 Logo for George Mason University.

Shirley, Syrena 2020

Thesis: Essays in Corporate Governance
Committee: Muller (Chair); Bonsall; Louis; Haushalter
Initial Placement: George Mason University

 Logo for University of Illinois.

Vafi Sani, Jalal 2020

Thesis: Information environment, the organization of firms, and investment decisions
Committee: Muller (Chair); Louis; White; Haushalter; Green 
Initial Placement: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Logo for Arizona State University. 

Alhusaini, Badryah 2019

Thesis: Peer Information and Managerial Myopia
Committee: Muller (Chair), Givoly, White, Iliev
Initial Placement: Arizona State University

 Logo for Oregon State University.

Deng, Junfang 2019

Thesis: Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risk, Hedging, and Tax-Motivated Outbound
Committee: Givoly (Chair), Muller, Louis, Moran
Initial Placement: Oregon State University

Logo of Hong Kong Baptist University. 

Guo, Di 2019

Thesis: Do Firms Engage in Accrual Earnings Management and Real Activities                                      Manipulation to Gain Russell 1000 Membership?
Committee: Givoly (Chair), Gong, Xie, Haushalter
Initial Placement: Hong Kong Baptist University

 Logo for University at Buffalo.

Tarrant, Ian 2019

Thesis: Anticipated Financial Incentives in CEO Compensation Contracts:
              Estimation and Application
Committee: Gong (Chair), Muller, Ketz, Song
Initial Placement: University at Buffalo

Logo for University of Florida. 

Carnes, Robert 2018

Thesis: Riding the Merger Wave: The Gatekeeping Role of Auditors
Committee; Muller (Chair), White, Barron, Haushalter, Christensen
Initial Placement: University of Florida


Logo for the University of Waterloo. 

Jiang, Xin (Daniel) 2018

Thesis: Essays on Fund Managers' Disclosures
Committee: Huddart (Chair), Givoly, Du, Cooper (Economics)
Initial Placement: University of Waterloo, Canada 


Sikochi, Anywhere (Siko) 2016

Thesis: Corporate Families and Creditor Recovery Rates
Committee: Givoly and Muller (Co-Chairs), Green, White, Song (Finance)
Initial Placement: Harvard University

 Logo for Loyola University Chicago-Quinlan School of Business.

Berg, Bjorn 2016

Thesis: The Credit Relevance of Litigation Materiality Disclosures
Committee: Gong (Chair), Huddart, Muller, Thompson (Law)
Initial Placement: Loyola University Chicago-Quinlan School of Business

Chapman, Kimball 2015

Thesis: Limited Investor Attention and the Earnings Announcement Premium
Committee: Barron (Chair), Green, Muller, Misangyi (Management)
Initial Placement: Washington University, St. Louis

Koharki, Kevin 2014

Thesis: Mandatory Disclosure Requirements and Rating Agency Catering: A Study of the Rule Changes for Qualified Special Purpose Entities
Committee: Muller (Chair), Barron, Laux, Ambrose (Risk Management)
Initial Placement: Washington University, St. Louis

Russomanno, Daniel 2014

Thesis: Accounting: Chief Accounting Officers (CAOs), Internal Controls, and Auditor Effort
Committee: Barron (Chair), Dirsmith, Louis, Hambrick, (Management)
Initial Placement: University of Arizona

Flasher, Renee 2013

Thesis: Impact of a Home-Country Regulator on Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Inspections for Foreign Accounting Firms
Committee: Huddart (Chair), Du, Qu, Crocker (Risk Management)
Initial Placement: Ball State University

Hoffman, Patrick 2013

Thesis: Does Audit Regulation Stifle Misreporting? The Case of the Hedge Fund Industry
Committee: Barron (Chair), Givoly, Green, Simin (Finance)
Initial Placement: Purdue University

Rhodes, Adrienne 2013

Thesis: The Relationship Between the use of Accounting Measures in Debt and Incentives Contracts
Committee: Huddart (Chair), Dirsmith, Du, Ghosh (Statistics)
Initial Placement: Texas A&M University

Watson, V. Luke 2013

Thesis: Executive Overconfidence and Financial Reporting of Unrecognized Tax Benefits
Committee: Muller (Chair), Givoly, Laux, Thompson (Law), Handlon (MIT)
Initial Placement: University of Florida

Bonsall, Sam 2012

Thesis: The Informational Effect of Firm-Funded Certification: Evidence from the Bond Rating Agencies
Committee: Fischer and Muller (Co-Chairs), Barron, Givoly, Huang (Finance)
Initial Placement: Ohio State University

Schenck, Kristy 2012

Thesis: The Deterrence Effects of SEC Enforcement Actions
Committee: Givoly (Chair), Gong, Fischer, Crocker (Risk Managment)
Initial Placement: Bucknell University

Penn, Michael 2012

Thesis: Read All About It: Do Auditors Respond to Press Visibility?
Committee: Barron (Chair), Dirsmith, Givoly, Green, Dardis (AD PR)
Initial Placement: Florida State University

Sinclair, James 2011

Thesis: Past Performance and Changes in Local Bias
Committee: Muller (Chair), Fischer, Givoly, Upneja (HRRM)
Initial Placement: University of Connecticut

Bozanic, Zahn 2011

Thesis: The Role of Accounting-based Financial Covenants in Preventing Defaults of Public Debt
Committee: Fischer and Muller (Co-Chairs), Barron, Givoly, Reilly (Law)
Initial Placement: Ohio State University

 *Please note, placements are within one year of graduation.

*Please note, all academic placements are tenure track unless an alternate job title is provided