Student Integrity Awareness Videos

The following videos were created to engage first year students in conversation about honor and integrity:

Integrity in Taking an Exam

Alan and Alice take the questions from their BA 342 exam in order to help their friend Matt who will take the same exam later in the day. As he prepares for the exam, Matt contemplates the pros/cons of using this information for his own benefit. This video demonstrates taking ownership over one’s educational experience versus submitting to peer pressure.

Interviews with Current Smeal Students

Current Smeal Students discuss the importance of honor and integrity both inside and outside of the classroom and provide some recommendations for first year Smeal students.

In Your Own Words

Matt and Soumaila are in their first year in Smeal and collaborate on their MGMT 301 assignment without permission. This video demonstrates the consequences of plagiarism through unauthorized group collaboration as well as the consequences of leaving your work unprotected. This video also shows the importance of understanding class expectations and using appropriate resources for assignments.

Benefits of Doing Your Own Work

Olivia, Sam, and Mary Grace demonstrate different scenarios of their academic career in Smeal and how their experiences apply to their future career. Olivia and Mary Grace meet with Smeal Career & Corporate to participate in a mock interview before applying for internships. This video shows the benefits of doing your own work and how this will benefit you in the long run.

In Your Own Words

Smeal alumni talk about their experiences with honor and integrity at IBM and EY as an individual, co-worker, and supervisor.

These videos were developed by The Undergraduate International Student Academic Integrity Focus Group. For more information about these videos, please contact Jana Clinton at