Impact Entrepreneurship
The Office of Impact Entrepreneurship (OIE) works with mission-driven founders and startups focused on building innovative businesses that support systems change through services such as strategic consulting, development of impact metrics, and experiential learning projects. Key focus areas will align with the land grant mission of Penn State University as well as the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These focus areas may include but are not limited to food systems, food security, responsible agricultural practices, and community and economic development both in rural and underserved urban communities.
Programs and Initiatives
Resource Identification & Network Connection
Allow us to connect you to the PSU entrepreneurial eco-system to further your impactful venture at any stage.
- Propel Advisory Network
- Invent Penn State community LaunchBox Network
- Smeal Center for the Business of Sustainability
- Penn State Sustainability Institute
- Penn State Extension
Strategy & Business Model Consulting
Starting and running a venture with an environmental or social purpose takes extra work. We have the tools and know how to find the right model and path for to help your venture create the most impact while also building a sustainable business.
- Propel Advisory Network
- Office Director, Travis Lesser, MBA
Facilitate Impact Funding
Regardless of your stage of development, we have financial resources to launch and grow your venture. Fill out the Contact Us form for more information so that we can connect you with the right source of funding for you!
- Propel Seed Fund
- Angel Network
- Garber Venture Capital Fund
- Innovation Grants
- Other forms of impact funding
Provide Experiential and Immersive Learning Opportunities
Help our students further their education by being part of a class project, exploring entrepreneurship in other countries, or hiring a talented student intern as part of our Farrell Center Experienceship fellowship! Fill out the Contact Us form to get started!
- MGMT 365: Social Entrepreneurship Class Project
- International Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities
- Farrell Center Experienceship Program
- Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) Program
Continuing Education
Tell our students about your venture by joining us as a guest speaker in a class or part of a student organization’s event. Fill out the Contact Us form, and we will be in touch to discuss.
- On-campus and virtual events
- On-campus and virtual guest speakers
- Student Organizations
- Net Impact Penn State Undergraduate Chapter
- Net Impact Penn State Graduate Chapter
- Enactus
- Penn State Student Farm
- Penn State Ecoreps
- Serve State