Prospective and Current Undergraduate Students
Penn State and the Smeal College of Business offer resources to support you in your academic and professional careers.
Resources for the Application Process
Integrity and ethical behavior are fundamental to the Smeal College of Business culture. As you consider joining the Smeal community, we urge you to read and familiar yourself with the Honor Code (PDF). We also encourage you to ask us about integrity at Smeal during the application process.
Resources for the Classroom
There are a number of online resources to assist students with their academic coursework and the ethical dilemmas that they may experience in the classroom.
Smeal also offers undergraduate courses that address issues of ethics and integrity as they pertain to the business world, as well as courses that focus on ethical business issues related to specific disciplines. The courses include: First-Year Seminar in Business (PSU 006), examining the transition to college life and business studies with particular focus on academic and professional integrity; Business Law I: Introduction to Contracts, Liability Issues, and Intellectual Property (B LAW 341), emphasizing business contracts, liability issues arising from business relations, including those in the internet realm and intellectual property issues; Socially Responsible, Sustainable and Ethical Business Practice (BA 342), examining actions taken by corporations that impact global citizenship, environmental sustainability, and the economic stability of international societies; and Business, Ethics, and Society (MGMT 451W), focusing on the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that a manager must have in order to deal with the social, legal, ethical, and political demands in society.
Resources for the Professional Workplace
There are a number of resources to assist students as they prepare for the professional workplace, including the ethical dilemmas that they may experience in the job search process.