There are multiple ways for faculty to get involved with the Center for Global Business Studies.
The CGBS sponsors research luncheons for faculty to present early stages of their research for feedback from colleagues, as well as promotes recent international business-oriented publications by Smeal faculty.
The CBGS also serves as an intermediary to connect Smeal faculty seeking research collaborators.
The CGBS provides funding for students to assist Smeal faculty with their international-oriented research. Three CGBS International Research Awards are offered each semester. Students receive $750 from the CGBS and are expected to complete approximately 50 hours of research. Faculty should submit a request for research support by January 3 (for Spring Semester) and May 15 (for Fall Semester). Application forms are available here.
Please email the CGBS Director if you are interested in any of these activities or would like the Center to publicize your research.