Ethics Research Opportunities

A page that summarizes ethics-related research opportunities and provides contact information or links to guidelines.

Past Opportunities

Center for Security Research and Education

The Center’s mission is to enhance interdisciplinary research, teaching, and outreach relevant to the protection and preservation of individuals, infrastructure, institutions, and society.

Social and ethical changes, demographic shifts, urbanization, global norms, environmental change, access to natural resources, diseases, the global economy, supply chains, natural resources, governance, technology’s role in military and civil capabilities, shifts in global power centers—these are the security drivers affecting the future. CSRE is interested in your ideas on how to study these factors and create interdisciplinary solutions.

The Center is looking for innovative concepts with high risk/high reward approaches. Proposals must demonstrate inter-, multi-, or trans-disciplinarity and we highly encourage teams with representation from multiple units across the University System and partners with other universities and research centers, industry, and/or government organizations.

Funding opportunity: Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World

Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World is a new international funding opportunity supporting social, behavioral and economic science research on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organized through the Trans-Atlantic Platform, the endeavor is a partnership between the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences and scientific funding agencies in 11 other countries.

Proposals were due by July 12, 2021 through the Trans-Atlantic Platform’s website. Please visit Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World for the full call for proposals including international team composition requirements and detailed instructions.


Rock Ethics Institute Moral Agency & Moral Development Seed Grants

The Moral Agency and Moral Development Initiative of the Rock Ethics Institute is seeking proposals for small grants to support research related to the conceptual and empirical study of human morality and ethical decision-making. This call is open to faculty, graduate students, and advanced undergraduate students at Penn State. Applicants may request anywhere from $500-$1,500, and funds can be put toward participant recruitment, workshops or reading groups, and other support for the research project.

For more information about the Moral Agency & Moral Development Seed Grants, such as proposal instructions, guidelines, and timelines please contact the Rock Ethics Institute. Closed on January 22, 2021.