Experiments in Business

Examples of experiments similar to those of the Smeal College of Business Laboratory for Economics Management and Auctions (LEMA).

The following samples of experimental economics at work in the world of business are drawn from virtually every area of business research.

Review some specific examples of LEMA Experiments in Interfaces: Experimental economics in practice .

Other Examples of Experimental Economics

Al Roth's Game Theory and Experimental Economics Page

Al Roth of Stanford Business School uses experiments and game theory to tackle issues in internet auction design, labor market matching (e.g., the AMA resident matching program) and strategic learning.

Auction Lab Reports on the FCC's Web Site

The FCC commissioned an experiment to "wind tunnel" the design of its next band-with auction.

On Behavioral-Environmental Economics (pdf)

Jason Shogren is the Stroock Professor of Natural Resource Conservation and Management in the department of Economics and Finance, University of Wyoming.  Laura Taylor is the director for the Center for Environmental and Resource Economic Policy, North Carolina State University and a professor in the department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Shyam Sunder

Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management, uses experiments to study a variety of market related research problems in accounting and finance.

John Ledyard

John Ledyard, Cal Tech, and his colleagues have done wind tunnel tests for Sears Logistics.

David H. Reiley

David H. Reiley, University of Arizona, pioneered auction experiments done on the internet.

Dan Ariely

Dan Ariely, Sloan School of Management, does novel marketing experiments.

David Cooper

David Cooper is an experimentalist at Florida State University who works on a wide range of business issues, ranging from cooperative behavior to industrial organization.

Uri Gneezy

Uri Gneezy, University of California at San Diego, studies behavioral decision making and is an experimental economist.

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