
Documents relating to CSCR™ Corporate Sponsorship.
Knowledge in Focus PDF

The Center for Supply Chain Research (CSCR) at the Penn State Smeal College of Business delivers a broad portfolio of open-enrollment supply chain offerings and multi-program certificates; virtual courses in our Supply Chain Leadership Academy; and custom learning solutions for organizations.

Corporate Support CSCR Overview PDF

A brief overview of the Center for Supply Chain Research including our four focus areas - research, knowledge, talent, and networking opportunities

Networking in Focus PDF

The Center for Supply Chain Research™ (CSCR™) at the Penn State Smeal College of Business offers multiple opportunities for professionals to stay up-to-date on supply chain trends, connect with peers, and be inspired.

Research in Focus PDF

The Center for Supply Chain Research (CSCR) at the Penn State Smeal College of Business pursues research activities that enhance the body of supply chain management knowledge. Our research spans areas such as distribution, warehousing, transportation, procurement and supply, customer service, systems modeling and design, logistics information systems, and global logistics, culminating in insights targeted at both academic and managerial audiences.

Talent in Focus PDF

The Center for Supply Chain Research (CSCR) at the Penn State Smeal College of Business facilitates access for hiring organizations to hundreds of Penn State students including Smeal undergraduate Supply Chain and Information Systems majors and residential MBA students concentrating in the discipline.

Corporate Sponsor Student Research Handbook PDF

The intent of this handbook is to give you some basic guidelines on how the student research project program is managed, what types of projects we accept, how the students are selected for the projects, and some suggestions on how to facilitate the student/company interaction.

Student Projects Handout PDF

An understanding of what makes a successful supply chain research project is imperative. This document outlines tips for successfully supporting a student research project.