Monthly Memo for Management Students

A monthly memo that is focused on important topics and events for Management students

September 2024

Hi, Management Majors!

We are sending you our Monthly Profile in Management. Each month we will feature a different alumni, student, or faculty member. This month, we’re featuring: Shannon Oneill, Management Major.

Five Questions with Shannon Oneill…

  1. What is your academic rundown?
    I am a senior studying Management, graduating in May 2025.


  1. Why did you choose to major in Management?

I chose to major in Management because I was drawn to the unique opportunity to learn from professors with applicable experience outside academia. I appreciate the real-world perspective that my professors and staff members have shared with me outside of the curriculum. I am also taking after my father who graduated with a Management degree from Penn State and taught me such valuable lessons in leadership and integrity.


  1. What are you involved in at Penn State, and how do these activities complement your Management coursework?

At Penn State, I am a Management Major Ambassador, sharing with prospective and current students about what the Management major has to offer. Through my Management coursework, I have learned about how comradery is essential to an organization, and I want to share the comradery and support I feel from my peers, professors, and staff within the major with others interested in Management. Also, I am a student manager for the Penn State Baseball team. Through my Management coursework, I have learned how to manage an organization effectively and efficiently, and so I apply this knowledge to my work with the Penn State Baseball team. I collaborate with the coaching staff to organize the team’s logistics to ensure systematic team functions.


  1. What are your plans after graduating from Penn State?

After graduating, I plan to work in the front office of a Major League Baseball club.


  1. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time, I like to try new recipes. I have found that cooking and baking are great ways to destress, and I am very adventurous so trying out new recipes is fun for me!


Should you have a question or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please contact Undergraduate Management Major Program Coordinator Dr. Jennifer Eury, at


October 2021

Hi, Management Majors! 

We are sending you our monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. These Monthly Memos include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, or faculty, and tips for success.

 Jobs and Networking:

  • Are you looking for a summer internship or full-time job? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. For example, Crayola, Eaton, Erie Insurance, Nestle, Siemens, URBN, and Zillow have opportunities with deadlines between Oct. 8 and Oct. 15. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events and a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.
  • Finally, and for your planning, the Business Career Center is taking one-on-one appointments, both in person and online. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your career planning needs that may include discussing the job application process or exploring networking opportunities.

 Department News:

  • Scholarship Opportunity: Each year, our department offers several scholarships, each in the amount of $1,000, to outstanding students majoring in Management. The scholarships are funded by the Department of Management and Organization Excellence Fund, an endowment started by John M. Arnold. Mr. Arnold is the CEO of PPC Lubricants and is a member of the Smeal College of Business Board of Visitors. We encourage you to review the eligibility criteria and nomination form, included in the attachment, and to consider moving forward with a self-nomination. All self-nominations should also include a letter of support from a faculty member in the department. You may access a list of past award recipients on our website. Please submit your nomination materials to Tena Ishler ( by Friday, Oct. 22, 5:00 p.m. EDT.

 Student Organization Activities:

  • Update from the Professional Management Association: The Professional Management Association (PMA) hosts meetings at 6:00 p.m. EDT every Tuesday in room 215 Business Building and on Zoom. Our motto for PMA is “Step into Professionalism.” We invite you to step into our meetings and strengthen your management skills, meet new people, and explore opportunities to support the community. PMA will host WebFx on Tuesday, Oct. 5; it will be a great opportunity to network and learn more about WebFx. We are also hosting a Weirdoughs fundraiser after our meeting; we encourage you to come by and meet other PMA members. We hope to see you on Tuesday!

Profile in Management:
Five Questions with…Lindsey Lord:

  1. What is your academic rundown? I am currently a senior majoring in Management, with a focus in Human Capital, along with a minor in Marketing.
  2. What has been your favorite Management course and why? MGMT 451W: Business, Ethics, and Society - I enjoyed this course because it challenges you to think inwardly and evaluate your own ethical values and possible cognitive barriers or biases that can impact your decision-making and judgment. This class also gives you the ability to learn how to apply philosophical approaches to resolving both real and hypothetical ethical dilemmas in the business world, which better prepares you with strategies for tough leadership decisions you may have never otherwise considered.
  3. What are you involved in at Penn State, and how do these activities compliment your Management coursework? I am a member of Epsilon Sigma Alpha service organization, and am involved with a variety of philanthropic projects, including raising money for St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital and THON. Through my service organization, I’ve met a diverse group of people with the same goal of making a difference in the community. Also, as an event coordinator with the organization, I’ve developed my leadership experience, by organizing events and managing attendance for my peers. Outside of my service organization, I’ve also kept busy with part-time internships in Sales and Marketing during the school year.
  4. Considering everything you learned during your summer internship(s), what advice can you share with other Management majors? Following my summer internships, I would advise other Management majors to make an effort to meet and get to know everyone you are working with during your time there; this effort demonstrates your interpersonal skills and your interest in the company. Also, I encourage you to learn about the different roles if your time allows it; even if you think you know what you want to do, it never hurts to learn about other areas and develop unique skill sets. Asking questions, reaching out to people in different roles, and volunteering yourself for challenges is how you learn, grow, and form relationships and connections. You may surprise yourself and find a hidden interest while working on a project in an unexpected area.
  5. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? In my free time, I try to stay active and get outside as much as possible. I also always have a podcast on in the background when I exercise; my current favorites are Crime Junkie, a mystery podcast about true crime, and The Hidden Brain, which talks about psychology and unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and choices. 

 Tip for Success:

  • Are you seeking advice on how to get started managing your personal finances? Staff at the Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center, offering services to the entire Penn State community, are available for private, one-on-one meetings at no additional cost. The staff can help you with personalized, confidential answers to your money management questions, as well as work with you to create a plan to meet your unique financial needs. Schedule your in-person or online meeting at

Should you have a question or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please contact Dr. Jennifer Eury at Also, if you have a question for a fellow Management major, please contact one of our Management Major Ambassadors: Evan Bowman (, Lindsey Lord (, and Shayna McNamee (

September 2021

Hi, Management Majors!

We are sending you our monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. These Monthly Memos include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, or faculty, and tips for success.

 Jobs and Networking:

  • Are you looking for a summer internship or full-time job? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. For example, Affinity Connection, Chevron, Collabera, E&J Gallo Winery, and New Pig have opportunities with deadlines between Sep. 9 and Sep. 15. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Boeing also contacted the Management and Organization Department regarding their open requisitions for interns in Business and full-time rotational programs. Boeing is hosting a virtual information session this week, Friday, Sep. 10. This session will provide information on Boeing, including specific career stories from an assortment of majors, and an opportunity to connect with recruiters and ask questions prior to applying to a position. See the attached flyer for more information.
  • Also, save the dates for the following events:

    --Smeal Corporate Partner Career Fair on Monday, Sep. 13, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EDT on Brazen

--Smeal Career Blitz on Wednesday, Sep. 15, 5:30-8:30 p.m. EDT in the Business Building Atrium

--Smeal MegaFair on Monday, Sep. 20, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EDT on Brazen

--Fall Career Days on Tuesday, Sep. 21 (in-person full-time recruitment), Wednesday, Sep. 22 (virtual full-time, internship, and co-op recruitment), and Thursday, Sep. 23 (virtual internship and co-op recruitment)

Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events and a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.

  • Finally, and for your planning, the Business Career Center is taking one-on-one appointments, both in person and online. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your career planning needs that may include discussing the job application process or exploring networking opportunities.

 Department News:

  • You are cordially invited to attend our 3rd annual Leadership Immersion for Management majors. This year, we are partnering with Penn State Health Promotion & Wellness to host a Wellness Retreat. They describe “wellness” as the ability to achieve one’s potential to live and work effectively and make a significant contribution to society. We’ve planned this retreat, just for you, based on the notion that leading a healthy lifestyle aids in one’s ability to be an effective leader. We are hopeful that the retreat positively contributes to the development of your personal leadership philosophy. The immersion is on Thursday, Sep. 16, 7:00-9:00 p.m. EDT in the Business Building Atrium and Foyer. Please complete the online registration by Tuesday, Sep. 14.
  • We encourage you to participate in the Smeal Alumni Mentoring Program, where you can be paired with an alumni mentor. For second-year students, you could talk with your alumni mentor about topics such as choosing your major, reviewing your resume, navigating the career fair, creating an internship strategy, or getting involved in a student organization. For third-year students, you could talk with your alumni mentor about topics such as navigating the career fair, creating an internship strategy, practicing your networking skills, using LinkedIn, or preparing for an interview. For fourth- and fifth-year students, you could talk with your alumni mentor about topics such as making a plan to stand out to an employer, preparing for an interview, navigating the job offer, understanding a company’s culture, or transitioning to life after college. For more information and to apply to the program, visit the mentoring program website. Please complete the online application by Friday, Sep. 24.
  • Do you have an idea for a course that you would like to see at Penn State? Penn State’s Office for General Education is accepting student ideas that could be turned into a course that satisfies general education credits. You’re invited to complete a short form at and submit your ideas by Thursday, Sep. 30. General Education will then work with faculty to develop courses from selected ideas, and the submitting students will have the option of working with faculty during the process. Student participation in the development phase is not mandatory.

Student Organization Activities:

  • Update from the Human Capital Student Consultants: Human Capital Student Consultants (HCSC) is reorganizing this year to the Smeal Human Capital Society, an organization that is focused on exploring human capital opportunities, professional development, networking, and mentoring. If you want to learn more about the Smeal Human Capital Society, contact Dr. Lisa O’Hara at
  • Update from the Penn State Consulting Organization: Leading organizational change, driving innovation, and leveraging human capital to improve business results are core competencies for most management consulting firms. If you are (or are considering) majoring in Management (MGMT) or Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIENT), consulting might be for you. We invite you to attend an information session on Monday, Sep. 13, 6:00-7:00 p.m. EDT in 104 Business Building, and learn more about consulting as a career path for MGMT and CIENT students and how the Nittany Lion Consulting Group can help you succeed on that path. David Lenze, Faculty Champion for Management Consulting in Smeal’s MBA Program and Faculty Director of the Nittany Lion Consulting Group, will discuss consulting related career opportunities for students majoring in MGMT and CIENT and how those students can differentiate themselves with recruiters. He will be joined by current students from both majors who will share their perspectives and experiences. See the attached flyer for more information.

Update from the Professional Management Association: The Professional Management Association (PMA) hosts meetings at 6:00 p.m. EDT every Tuesday in room 215 Business Building and on Zoom. Our motto for PMA is “Step into Professionalism.” We invite you to step into our meetings and strengthen your management skills, meet new people, and explore opportunities to support the community. PMA will host PepsiCo on Tuesday, Sept. 14; it will be a great opportunity to network and learn more about PepsiCo. In this session, PepsiCo will also discuss the skills required for virtual interviewing. We hope to see you on Tuesday!

Profile in Management:

Five Questions with…Dr. Lisa O’Hara, Associate Clinical Professor of Human Capital:

  1. Tell us about the classes you teach. My course assignments include human capital subjects:  Introduction to Human Resource Management, Performance Management, and Staffing and Recruiting.  I also teach Negotiation and Conflict Management and Organizational Behavior.  At the graduate level, I teach Managing and Leading People in Organizations for the Smeal OMBA program.  In each of these courses, we learn and synthesize new information then incorporate activities and cases to solve problems and build practitioner skills.  Most courses are hands-on and project-based.  I don’t have any one course that I like more than another; they are all my “favorite” courses because they are fun for me to teach.  
  2. What do you enjoy most about the work that you do? Watching students be successful in Smeal and in their careers after commencement.  One of absolute the best things is when I receive emails or LinkedIn messages from Management alumni and they tell me how they used the knowledge and skills that they learned in class, or when they update me on their careers.  For me, teaching has always had a relationship-building component; I enjoy working with students in the classroom, and then again as professional colleagues. 
  3. Considering the courses that you teach, how can students start putting what they are learning into practice? Students have shared with me some of the ways that they have used the skills they learn in classes.  From Performance Management, students have used performance metrics and appraisals to develop evaluations of executive board members in student organizations.  From Staffing and Recruiting, students have used their talent acquisition expertise to develop recruiting strategies that increase membership for student organizations, and to use selection techniques for establishing leadership roles within them.  Organizational Behavior teaches team-building and leadership strategies that can assist in developing high-performing teams.  What you learn in this course can also be used in teams where you work—such as an internship or an off-campus job, in other courses, or in student organizations.  The team contract has been frequently mentioned as a great tool for successful team projects in other Smeal classes.  In Negotiation and Conflict Management, students learn and practice principled negotiation, a skill you can use to resolve conflict between individuals, or to buy your first car.  As a Management major, you hone skills to recruit, select, develop, motivate, and lead people—and organizations are made of people.  You have many opportunities to put what you have learned into practice. 
  4. What advice do you have for students, as they begin a new semester at Penn State? First, if you are new to University Park, take an afternoon and learn your way around campus.  Walk the less-busy paths between buildings, find the shortcuts, and take in all of the sights.  There are interesting things to be discovered that you might have otherwise missed in the rush to get to classes.  Second, get involved in a Management or Smeal student organization, like the Professional Management Association or Human Capital Society.  It’s a great way to meet and connect with new people, network, and learn new things.  Third, make an appointment with the Business Career Center for a resume review, mock interview, and guidance on the career fairs.  Smeal will offer many opportunities for you to meet with recruiters for internships and careers—visiting the BCC will help prepare you to make the most of each of them.  Finally, find a time management app that works for you and commit to using it.  It will help you to stay organized with your courses and the extra-curricular activities you engage in, but even more important, effective planning will afford you the ability to stay present in each activity and to reduce your stress.
  5. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I enjoy hiking, with friends or with my fearless, four-legged companion.  I’m a collector of Victorian-era tea cups and Art Deco jewelry, so antique stores are a great way to spend a day.  When the weather is good, I put the top down on a little black car and drive through the mountains in Northcentral Pennsylvania.  I am looking forward to more travel as we get through the pandemic.  Apple Music is my latest obsession; so many possibilities for playlists with all that music at my fingertips.  And lastly, since 2012, I’ve been fortunate to have the best tailgate crew at Beaver Stadium and to enjoy a student section that literally rocks the house.   

Tip for Success:

  • Did you know that there are more than 740,000 Penn State alumni? This is a tremendous resource for YOU, and we encourage you to make the most of the Penn State alumni network. To get started, learn more about LionLink, a professional networking program that links Penn State students and alumni with alumni volunteer Career Coaches who provide advice on jobs and careers. For more information, visit:

Should you have a question or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please contact Dr. Jennifer Eury at Also, if you have a question for a fellow Management major, please contact one of our Management Major Ambassadors: Evan Bowman (, Lindsey Lord (, and Shayna McNamee (


August 2021

Hi, Management Majors! Welcome back to campus. 

We are sending you our monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. These Monthly Memos include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, or faculty, and tips for success.

 Jobs and Networking:

  • Are you looking for a summer internship or full-time job? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Also, save the dates for the following events:

--Smeal Mock Career Fair on Wednesday, Sep. 8, Noon-3:00 p.m. EDT on Brazen

--Smeal Corporate Partner Career Fair on Monday, Sep. 13, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EDT on Brazen

--Smeal Career Blitz on Wednesday, Sep. 15, 5:30-8:30 p.m. EDT in the Business Building Atrium

--Smeal MegaFair on Monday, Sep. 20, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EDT on Brazen

--Fall Career Days on Tuesday, Sep. 21 (in-person full-time recruitment), Wednesday, Sep. 22 (virtual full-time, internship, and co-op recruitment), and Thursday, Sep. 23 (virtual internship and co-op recruitment)


  • Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events and a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.
  • Finally, and for your planning, the Business Career Center is taking one-on-one appointments, both in person and online. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your career planning needs that may include discussing the job application process or exploring networking opportunities.


Department News:

  • You are cordially invited to attend the Berkey Creamery Ice Cream Social for Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIENT) and Management (MGMT) Majors, Faculty, and Staff. The social is on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 3:30-5:00 p.m. EDT, under the tent on the Business Meadow, just outside of the Business Building. We hope you will stop by at your convenience, to celebrate the start of the fall semester with us! Individual Dixie cups will be served.
  • You are cordially invited to attend our 3rd annual Leadership Immersion for Management majors. This year, we are partnering with Penn State Health Promotion & Wellness to host a Wellness Retreat. They describe “wellness” as the ability to achieve one’s potential to live and work effectively and make a significant contribution to society. We’ve planned this retreat, just for you, based on the notion that leading a healthy lifestyle aids in one’s ability to be an effective leader. We are hopeful that the retreat positively contributes to the development of your personal leadership philosophy. The immersion is on Thursday, Sep. 16, 7:00-9:00 p.m. EDT in the Business Building Atrium and Foyer. A formal registration site is forthcoming.
  • Dr. Jennifer Eury was recently named the Undergraduate Management Major Program Coordinator. Should you have any questions about the major, please contact Dr. Eury at She can also assist you in getting connected to your Management Faculty Mentor, if you do not already have their contact information.
  • Evan Bowman, Lindsey Lord, and Shayna McNamee were recently named to the Management Major Ambassador Program. The ambassadors help the Management and Organization Department with special events, represent the major at events for new and current students, meet with student organizations to discuss the major, and more. If you have a question for a fellow Management major, please contact Evan (, Lindsey (, and Shayna (

 Student Organization Activities:

  • Update from the Human Capital Student Consultants: Human Capital Student Consultants (HCSC) is reorganizing this year to the Smeal Human Capital Society, an organization that is focused on exploring human capital opportunities, professional development, networking, and mentoring. If you want to learn more about the Smeal Human Capital Society, contact Dr. Lisa O’Hara at
  • Update from the Penn State Consulting Organization: Interested in solving problems for real clients or simply developing skills essential to a career in the professional world? The Nittany Lion Consulting Group and its feeder organization, the Penn State Consulting Organization (PSCO) can provide you with these opportunities and much more.

 Participation in the PSCO is open to all, teaching members the fundamentals of consulting including effective communication and problem solving over the course of a semester. PSCO provides students with skills applicable to any major or career path, along with the opportunity to interview for membership in NLCG if interested. NLCG is a student-managed, faculty-supported experiential learning program offered by Penn State’s Smeal College of Business. NLCG’s members engage with real clients to solve real-world business problems, all while earning academic credit. NLCG also focuses on preparing students for consulting related careers through a mentorship program, networking events, and case competitions.


PSCO information sessions will be held from 6:30-8:00 p.m. EDT in 110 Business Building on Tuesday, Aug. 31 and Tuesday, Sep. 7. A recorded version will be posted after the first session to our website. To access the recording or to learn more, visit

  • Update from the Professional Management Association: The Professional Management Association (PMA) hosts meetings at 6:00 p.m. EDT every Tuesday in room 215 Business Building and on Zoom. Our motto for PMA is “Step into Professionalism.” We invite you to step into our meetings and strengthen your management skills, meet new people, and explore opportunities to support the community. We hope to see you at a future meeting.

Profile in Management:

Five Questions with…Evan Bowman:

  1. What is your academic rundown? I’m currently a senior majoring in Management with a concentration in Human Capital Management.
  2. What are you involved in at Penn State, and how do these activities compliment your Management coursework? I’m the President of the Student Nittany Lion Club (SNLC) and the Head Student Manager for the Penn State Varsity Baseball Team. Both of these roles require me to have strong organizational skills and the ability to manage people, which has been a focus of my Management coursework. For my role as President of the SNLC, I’ve also had to go through succession planning and the process of interviewing and selecting new students for the executive board, and again these experiences closely align with my Management coursework.
  3. It’s been a challenging last year or so. What are you most looking forward to this fall semester? I’m most looking forward to being able to meet in person, both for classes and outside of class, and to be in Beaver Stadium for Penn State Football games.
  4. What are your plans after graduating from Penn State? I’m planning on working for a Major League Baseball organization or a college baseball program.
  5. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? In my free time, I enjoy watching and playing sports, spending time with my friends, and watching movies.

 Tip for Success:

  • By now, you’ve likely heard of LinkedIn, an important professional social platform. Are you using it? If not, we encourage you to make it a point, early on in the semester, to set up your LinkedIn profile. A LinkedIn profile can prove invaluable when you start your career. For more information on how to use it right, including tips and examples, visit the Business Career Center’s website for LinkedIn resources and a list of useful blog posts related to LinkedIn.

Should you have any questions, or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please contact Dr. Jennifer Eury at


May 2021

Hi, Management Majors! We are sending you our monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. These Monthly Memos include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, or faculty, and tips for success. This memo will be the final message for this academic year. We hope you have a wonderful summer! Be safe and stay healthy.

 Jobs and Networking:

  • Are you still looking for a summer internship or full-time job? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. For example, HILTI, Williams-Sonoma, Oracle, Samsung, and Collabera all have deadlines of May 7th or shortly after this date. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events and a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.
  • Finally, and for your planning, the Business Career Center is still taking one-on-one appointments in a virtual format, even during the summer. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your career planning needs that may include discussing the job application process or exploring networking opportunities.

 Department News:

  • Justin Fisher, a Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship major, has been named Smeal’s spring 2021 management and organization student marshal. The faculty marshal is Brad Leve, Assistant Teaching Professor. Congratulations Justin and Brad!

 Student Organization Activities:

  • Update from the Human Capital Student Consultants: Human Capital Student Consultants (HCSC) is reorganizing this year to the Smeal Human Capital Society, an organization that is focused on exploring human capital opportunities, professional development, networking, and mentoring. If you want to learn more about the Smeal Human Capital Society, contact Dr. Lisa O’Hara at

Update from the Penn State Consulting Organization for Fall 2021: Interested in solving problems for real clients or simply developing skills essential to a career in the professional world? The Nittany Lion Consulting Group and its feeder organization, the Penn State Consulting Organization (PSCO) can provide you with these opportunities and much more.

Participation in the PSCO is open to all, teaching members the fundamentals of consulting including effective communication and problem solving over the course of a semester. PSCO provides students with skills applicable to any major or career path, along with the opportunity to interview for membership in NLCG if interested. NLCG is a student-managed, faculty-supported experiential learning program offered by Penn State’s Smeal College of Business. NLCG’s members engage with real clients to solve real-world business problems, all while earning academic credit. NLCG also focuses on preparing students for consulting related careers through a mentorship program, networking events, and case competitions.

To learn more or to register for a PSCO information session, visit

  • Update from the Professional Management Association: The Professional Management Association (PMA) concluded the spring semester with a virtual etiquette dinner; they cooked together virtually and gained new lessons on dining etiquette. PMA will resume activities in the fall, under their new president: Riley Sas. Congratulations to Riley and the other members of the new executive board (Sam Cremmins, Sam Friedman, Shayna McNamee, Marianna Rodas, and Andy Taylor). A big thank you to Saige Cestone, the outgoing president, and the other members of the executive board (Alex Carmona, Noah Hughes, David Narehood, Marianna Rodas, Riley Sas, and Andy Taylor) for their year of service! Learn more about PMA at:

Profile in Management:

Five Questions with…Lia Tjotjos ‘13:

  1. What is your academic rundown?  I graduated from Penn State in 2013 with a degree in Business Management with focuses on entrepreneurship and international business. I was also actively involved with Whiplash [dance organization] and THON. I joined Amazon in 2013 through the college-hire program and now have eight years of experience in Operations, Human Resources, Customer Service, and Program Management. I recently joined the Amazon Care team, Amazon’s telemedicine and healthcare app, where I lead program and operations teams launching and supporting new service lines for patients.
  2. What do you enjoy most about your current position? Each time I take on a new role I assess whether I will have the ability to lead teams through difficult challenges and learn new things. I’m fortunate that my current position accomplishes both.
  3. How did your Management coursework prepare you for your first job after Penn State? My management coursework helped me to provide a framework and a language to navigate different situations. Starting out, I realized that I lacked context compared to more tenured employees, who had background, experience, and time in their roles. My management coursework did not replace those items but they provided a starting point. The coursework helped as a guide as I explored other experiences of my own.
  4. What advice do you have for students majoring in Management? Two pieces of advice: 1. You might not start out in your dream job. As a young professional, I did not know what I wanted to do but I was willing to put myself out there and try things even if they were considered “unattractive or hard” positions. I applied to more than 150 jobs and received less than 10 offers. I had a hunch about Amazon and took a chance on it even though it meant starting my career in Winchester, KY and not in a big city, which was my dream at the time. By being open and confident in my ability to learn, its led me to paths in my career that I had no idea it would take me. Its taught me what I like and what I don’t like and each step continues to refine my values and who I want to be each time. Take chances, work hard, and enjoy the journey. 2. Be vulnerable. When I first heard this advice, I was resistant to adopt it given my role as a female leader (at the time, I was the only female and by far the youngest manager at the site). I thought I needed to demonstrate strength and power to show credibility and leadership. As I practiced acknowledging my opportunities, being empathic, and sharing my personal experiences with my direct reports and other co-workers, I saw the impact of what being vulnerable can do for others. By being vulnerable, I believe it’s established stronger credibility between my co-workers and has made me a stronger, more conscientious leader.
  5. What is your favorite Penn State memory? There are so many amazing memories but the one that stands out most of all is dancing on stage at THON. It was my senior year, Whiplash was performing with our THON child, Emma. I’ll never forget the 15K people cheering her on, as she came on stage to perform with us. I still get chills thinking about how strong she was and what it meant for her to join us.

 Tip for Success:

  • Are you feeling a little (or a lot) stressed with studying for Finals? Penn State University Libraries is offering a virtual De-Stress Fest, now through Friday, May 7, with activities to help you relax and take a break from studying (e.g., online storytelling, virtual art galleries, puppy playrooms, craft tutorials, and coloring pages are a few of the collection of online resources). For more information and resources on stress management, visit Penn State Health Promotion & Wellness.

Should you have any questions, or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please contact Dr. Jennifer Eury at


April 2021

Hi, Management Majors! We are sending you our monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. These Monthly Memos include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, or faculty, and tips for success.


Jobs and Networking:

  • Are you looking for a summer internship or full-time job? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. For example, Advertising Specialty Institute, Bell & Evans, Fastenal, ONETrack International, Sherwin Williams, and US Food & Drug Administration all have deadlines between Apr. 5th and 9th. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Also, register online to attend the “Hire Big Ten+ Virtual Career Fair” on Tuesday, Apr. 20, 3:00-7:00 p.m. EDT. 


  • Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events and a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.
  • Also, the Powerful Women Paving the Way conference, co-hosted by the Penn State Smeal College of Business and Penn State Women in Business student organization, is another professional development opportunity. For more information about the conference, and to register, please visit A flyer is also attached. Registration is $20 for students.
  • Finally, and for your planning, the Business Career Center is taking one-on-one appointments in a virtual format. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your career planning needs that may include discussing the job application process or exploring networking opportunities.


Department News:

  • Three students in the Management and Organization Department recently received notification that they are the recipients of a Smeal Senior Award. Saige Cestone, a Management major, is receiving The John M. & Anne B. Stevens Academic Integrity Award, for demonstrating leadership in academic integrity by serving on a college committee, task force, or in a leadership role, dedicated to upholding the Smeal Honor Code and to promoting a culture of academic integrity. Jessica Kondracki, a Management major, and Katelyn Powell, a Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship major, are receiving the Ralph H. Wherry Student Service Award for excelling in service to the College, exhibiting academic achievement, and manifesting the promise of a successful professional career. Congratulations Saige, Jessica, and Katelyn!


  • Also, as we announced last month, alumnus Dr. Alan Cabelly recently established the Alan M. Cabelly Award for Excellence in Human Resource Management, to be awarded to a senior student in the human capital concentration. We are pleased to announce that Lydia Lee, a Management major, is receiving the first Alan M. Cabelly Award for Excellence in Human Resource Management. Congratulations Lydia!


Student Organization Activities:

  • Update from the Human Capital Student Consultants: Human Capital Student Consultants (HCSC) is reorganizing this year to the Smeal Human Capital Society, an organization that is focused on exploring human capital opportunities, professional development, networking, and mentoring. If you want to learn more about the Smeal Human Capital Society, contact Dr. Lisa O’Hara at
  • Update from the Penn State Consulting Organization for Fall 2021: Interested in solving problems for real clients or simply developing skills essential to a career in the professional world? The Nittany Lion Consulting Group and its feeder organization, the Penn State Consulting Organization (PSCO) can provide you with these opportunities and much more.


Participation in the PSCO is open to all, teaching members the fundamentals of consulting including effective communication and problem solving over the course of a semester. PSCO provides students with skills applicable to any major or career path, along with the opportunity to interview for membership in NLCG if interested. NLCG is a student-managed, faculty-supported experiential learning program offered by Penn State’s Smeal College of Business. NLCG’s members engage with real clients to solve real-world business problems, all while earning academic credit. NLCG also focuses on preparing students for consulting related careers through a mentorship program, networking events, and case competitions.


To learn more or to register for a PSCO information session, visit

  • Update from the Professional Management Association: The Professional Management Association (PMA) hosts meetings at 6:00 p.m. EDT every Tuesday via Zoom (use this link). It’s not too late to get involved!

Profile in Management:

Five Questions with…Lydia Lee:

  1. What is your academic rundown?  I am currently a senior majoring in Management with a Human Capital focus. 
  2. What are you involved in at Penn State, and how do these activities compliment your Management coursework? In the past I was involved in Nittany Consulting Group, Smeal Human Capital Student Consultants, and currently involved in Ascend. These activities complement my management coursework because what I have learned in class through theory and lecture, I applied these concepts in my activities. For example, when I was learning about performance management, I was able to apply that as an executive board leader when mid-semester peer reviews came up in Ascend. 
  3. What do you wish you knew earlier in your academic career, that you know now? I wish I had known, especially as a freshman, how important it is to be involved from the beginning. I had increased my involvement and dedication to organizations when I was a second semester freshman, but I wish I had started from day one. 
  4. What are your plans after graduating from Penn State? My plans after graduation are to start working a full-time job within the field of human capital. 
  5. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I enjoy crocheting and knitting especially since I'm home all the time. I've made a lot of coasters, sweater vests, and scarves this past year. I also love going outside for walks and hikes. Now that the weather is nice again, I'm excited to explore the outdoors. 


Tip for Success:

  • Have you contacted your Faculty Mentor this semester? We encourage you to contact your Faculty Mentor, or stop by their virtual office hours, for advice in your area of career and major field courses. Your Faculty Mentor is also a direct source for information related to major field course content. You can use the Faculty Mentor online system to see who your assigned Faculty Mentor is and arrange an appointment via email (visit: and click on the link at the bottom of the page).

Should you have any questions, or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please contact Dr. Jennifer Eury at


March 2021

Hi, Management Majors! We are sending you our monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. These Monthly Memos include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, or faculty, and tips for success. 

Jobs and Networking:

  • Penn State’s Virtual Career Days are scheduled for this week, March 3 and 4. Are you planning to attend this event? If so, see the Business Career Center’s website for a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.
  • Also, see the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. For example, ALDI, CVS Health, VOLVO, the FBI, Amazon, and Raymond James all have deadlines between March 5th and 11th. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events.
  • Finally, for your planning, the Business Career Center is taking one-on-one appointments in a virtual format. Schedule an appointment today to discuss your career planning needs that may include preparing for the career fair, discussing the job application process, or exploring networking opportunities.


Department News:

  • The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recently renewed our Bachelor of Science in Management/Human Capital Concentration degree program. With this announcement, our program continues to be fully aligned with the SHRM HR Curriculum Guidelines.
  • Also, we are pleased to announce that alumnus Dr. Alan Cabelly has recently established the “Alan M. Cabelly Award for Excellence in Human Resource Management” to be awarded to a senior student in the human capital concentration. Information on the award was sent via e-mail to seniors and applications for the award are due on March 12. For more details, please contact Tena Ishler, Administrative Support Coordinator, at  
  • Furthermore, we encourage you to attend the virtual events scheduled during Penn State Startup Week, March 22-26. Startup Week is a University-wide event that takes place every spring, bringing together some of the learning minds in entrepreneurship and innovation. The activities can help you take the first step in deciding if you want to build your own company or be your own boss or shift your side hustle into gear. They can also connect you with likeminded individuals who share your passion, and provide you with the motivation to springboard your business. For more information, visit the Startup Week website at:
  • Finally, we encourage you to attend the virtual START Conference (Striving Toward Awareness & Respect for Tomorrow) on March 25. The conference agenda features keynote sessions and a variety of breakout sessions. For more information and to register online, visit the conference website at:


Student Organization Activities:

  • Update from the Professional Management Association: The Professional Management Association’s (PMA) signature event is scheduled for this week, March 2, 5:30-8:00 p.m. EDT via Zoom. PMA’s “Executive Series” will feature a series of panelists on sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and honor and integrity. For more information about these professional development sessions and to register online, visit: Outside of this special event, PMA also hosts meetings at 6:00 p.m. EDT every Tuesday via Zoom (use this link).
  • Update from the Human Capital Student Consultants: Human Capital Student Consultants (HCSC) is reorganizing this year to the Smeal Human Capital Society, an organization that is focused on exploring human capital opportunities, professional development, networking, and mentoring. If you want to learn more about the Smeal Human Capital Society, contact Dr. Lisa O’Hara at


Profile in Management:

Five Questions with…Dr. Carolyn Dang, Assistant Professor of Management and Organization, Cook Fellow in Ethics:

  1. Tell us about the classes you teach and the areas you research. I teach undergraduate classes in organizational behavior (MGMT 326 – Organizational Behavior and Design) and leadership (MGMT 355 – Leadership and Organizational Change). My research focuses on ethical issues within organizations, with an emphasis on behavioral ethics and social issues in management.
  2. What do you enjoy most about the work that you do? As a first generation college student, I understand the challenges that college life can present. The capacity to interact with students from diverse backgrounds, and to see them grow and develop intellectually and professionally, is a rewarding part of my job.  
  3. How has the pandemic changed the way you approach your role as an instructor? As an instructor, I think sometimes the focus is on making sure the class progresses through a planned course schedule, and cover planned course content. The pandemic has revealed what likely is a truism, that the best laid plans can and do go awry. Adaptation, being flexible, and being kind and empathetic to those suffering in these times, are themes that I re-visit often in my teaching now.
  4. The pandemic has created a wide range of challenges and opportunities for individuals and organizations around the world. How do you believe a student’s management coursework will help them to be successful in a post-pandemic era? Management to me is about the study of chaos—there are few forces more chaotic, unruly, and unpredictable in life than human behavior. The management coursework encourages students to revel in the chaos, and, importantly, to learn principles and tools to navigate through it and lead the organization to a better end. My hope is that students in the post-pandemic era will be comfortable when things go non-linear, and to be able to lead themselves and their stakeholders to a state of calm.
  5. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I believe it is important to make time for yourself, family, and friends. This is especially true during stressful work times, where only family and friends can help rejuvenate you. I also enjoy reading fiction books and watching cooking shows.


 Tip for Success:

  • By now, you’re likely getting very used to using Zoom. You’re using Zoom or other video conferencing tools for classes, student organization meetings, and internship and job interviews. Harvard Business Review published an article on ways to elevate your presence in a virtual meeting. Some of these suggestions include looking into the video camera, using a louder-than-usual voice, maintaining a simple background, and most importantly, paying attention in the meeting. For more ideas to assist you with your virtual presence, read the article titled, “How to Elevate Your Presence in a Virtual Meeting” (Schwartzberg, Apr. 8, 2020), available at:


Should you have any questions, or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please contact Dr. Jennifer Eury at


February 2021

Hi, Management Majors! Happy New Year. We are sending you our monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. These Monthly Memos include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, or faculty, and tips for success.

Jobs and Networking

  • The Smeal Mock Career Fair is Feb. 3 and the Smeal MegaFair is Feb. 8; both of these activities are virtual events. Furthermore, Penn State’s Virtual Career Days are scheduled for March 3 and 4. Are you planning to attend any of these events? If so, see the Business Career Center’s website for a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.
  • Also, see the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. For this week, Collabera, New Pig, Amazon, Clark Associates all have deadlines of February 5th. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events.
  • Finally, for your planning, the Business Career Center is taking one-on-one appointments in a virtual format. Schedule an appointment today.

Department News

The Department of Management and Organization has identified several opportunities at Penn State that might be of interest to you, especially given our focus on leadership development. The opportunities are presented in date order, with the earliest deadlines presented first.

  • Nominations are being accepted for the Rock Ethics Institute's 2021 Stand Up Awards. This award, of $1,000, honors Penn State undergraduate students who have demonstrated courage, fortitude, and ethical leadership by taking a stand for a person, cause, or belief. Nominations for the 2021 Stand Up Awards must be submitted online at no later than Feb. 5.
  • Applications to become a student member of Penn State’s Board of Trustees are due Feb. 19, and applications to serve as an at-large member of the Student Trustee Selection Committee are due Feb. 5. View the Office of the Board of Trustees website for additional information and links to applications.
  • Applications for the Presidential Leadership Academy are open until Feb. 8.
  • Applications to be a Summer 2021 LEAP Mentor are open now. To learn more about this program, attend the information session at 8:00 p.m. EDT on Feb. 11 via Zoom.
  • Applications for the Erickson Discovery Grant are open until Feb. 24. Erickson Grants support undergraduate student engagement in original research, scholarship, and creative work under the direct supervision of a faculty member. More than 60 grants, each in the amount of $3,500, are available for summer 2021.
  • Applications for Penn State’s annual Undergraduate Exhibition are open until Mar. 21. The Undergraduate Exhibition, taking place virtually from April 14-16, communicates and celebrates the participation of undergraduate students from across the University in scholarly inquiry, research, engagement, and creative endeavors.

Student Organization Activities

  • Update from the Professional Management Association: Interested in developing your leadership and project management skills? The Professional Management Association (PMA) hosts meetings at 6:00 p.m. EDT every Tuesday via Zoom. The next meeting is Feb. 2 and will offer a professional development opportunity with presenters from T-Mobile.
  • Consulting as a Career Path for MGMT and CIENT Majors: Leading organizational change, driving innovation, and leveraging human capital to improve business results are core competencies for most management consulting firms. You are invited to a virtual information session, exclusively for MGMT and CIENT Majors, at 6:30-7:15 p.m. EDT on Thursday, Feb. 4. In this session, you will learn about consulting as a career path for MGMT and CIENT majors and how the Nittany Lion Consulting Group can help you succeed on that path. Register/get a link at Consulting4MGMTandCIENTmajors. A promotional handout is attached as well.
  • Update from the Human Capital Student Consultants: Human Capital Student Consultants (HCSC) is reorganizing this year to the Smeal Human Capital Society, an organization that is focused on exploring human capital opportunities, professional development, networking, and mentoring. If you want to learn more about the Smeal Human Capital Society, email Dr. Lisa O’Hara at

Profile in Management

Five Questions with…Rhianna Davis, Graduated in May 2020:

  1. What was your academic rundown, and what are you doing now? At Penn State, I double majored in Business Management (concentrations in Organizational Leadership and Supply Chain Management) and Music Composition. I am currently working at Apple as a Worldwide Procurement Analyst. I procure CPUs and GPUs for Macs from Intel and AMD.
  2. What do you enjoy most about your current position? I most enjoy building relationships with my suppliers and working together to resolve supply issues.
  3. How did your Management coursework prepare you for your first job after Penn State? 

I frequently use tactics I learned in the Negotiation class when working with internal and external parties. Understanding when and with whom to share information is a very useful skill in my role. My job also involves sharing critical and time-sensitive information with international stakeholders. The course on Managing a Diverse Workforce gave me the tools to collaborate interculturally with both internal and external parties. 

  1. What advice do you have for students majoring in Management? I recommend using your time at Smeal and in internships to identify the function in which you would like to start your career. Your management skills are highly transferable, so take advantage of your two-piece sequence and internships in order to grow additional skills. You will find that your Management degree does not just apply to managing subordinates. You will use these skills to manage yourself, your coworkers, your superiors, and external parties. All these types of management are different. Try to find opportunities at Penn State to experience each kind. 
  2. What is your favorite Penn State memory? My favorite Penn State memory is watching the football team win the Big Ten Championship at Lucas Oil Stadium while playing piccolo in the Blue Band.

Tip for Success

  • How are you settling into the spring semester? Consider stopping by your instructors’ virtual office hours to say “hello” and introduce yourself. Although it can be challenging to build a rapport with your instructors (and even your classmates) in a remote format, all instructors have set office hours or time set aside to meet with you by appointment. It can be helpful to have a relationship with your instructor, as they can assist you with your questions related to course material, provide you with insights on different career options, and write you a letter of recommendation for study abroad or graduate school, among other possibilities.

Should you have any questions, or wish to get more involved in the Management major, please email Dr. Jennifer Eury at


December 2019

Hi, Management Majors! New, this year, we will be sending you a monthly memo with news and information, exclusively for you. This Monthly Memo will include five keys areas related to job and networking opportunities, department news, student organization activities, profiles of alumni, students, and faculty, and tips for success. We look forward to connecting with you on a regular basis.

Jobs and Networking

  • Are you looking for a job or internship? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of Featured Jobs and Internships. For this week, TJX, Kohl's, L'Oreal, and AlphaSights all have deadlines between December 2-7. We encourage you to make it a habit to check in with Nittany Lion Careers every day!
  • Are you looking for networking or professional development opportunities? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of upcoming virtual events.
  • Will you be updating your resume over winter break, or perhaps, interviewing with a prospective employer? See the Business Career Center’s website for a list of resources covering a wide range of topics from resumes and cover letters to interview preparation and thank yous.
  • For your planning, the Business Career Center is taking one-on-one appointments virtually through December 18. They will resume appointments in the New Year. Schedule an appointment today.

Department News

Each year the Department of Management and Organization offers several scholarships to outstanding students majoring in Management. The scholarships are funded by the Department of Management and Organization Excellence Fund, an endowment started by John M. Arnold. Mr. Arnold is the CEO of PPC Lubricants and is a member of the Smeal College of Business Board of Visitors. A big congratulations to the recipients of this year’s Arnold Scholarship: Noah Catalano, Saige Cestone, Mary Corcoran, Jessica Kondracki, Lydia Lee, Adeline Mishler, and Braden Rauco. Each recipient will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Student Organization Activities

Update from the Human Capital Student Consultants: Human Capital Student Consultants (HCSC) is reorganizing this year to the Smeal Human Capital Society, an organization that is focused on exploring human capital opportunities, professional development, networking, and mentoring. If you want to learn more about the Smeal Human Capital Society, email Dr. Lisa O’Hara at

Update from the Nittany Lion Consulting Group: The Nittany Lion Consulting Group (NLCG) is a NEW experiential learning opportunity designed to help students build the fundamental competencies they will need to succeed in the business world. Members participate in real-world client engagements as part of the 3-credit Consulting Services Curriculum and have access to exclusive networking, mentorship, and professional development opportunities through the NLCG Student Organization. Interested members must first complete NLCG’s training program through the Penn State Consulting Organization (PSCO). PSCO is a program led by NLCG members that gives participants training, basic consulting skills, and exposure to consulting as a future career path. At the end of the semester, participants will be eligible to interview to join the Nittany Lion Consulting Group. If you want to learn more about PSCO, sign up for the PSCO mailing list on the NLCG’s website, under the Contact tab.

Update from the Professional Management Association: The Professional Management Association (PMA) is committed to developing student leaders, providing members with both managerial education and project management experiences. Through PMA, members not only learn how to solve real-world business problems, but they practice doing so. Even given the COVID restrictions this semester, members have enjoyed presentations by PepsiCo, Vanguard, CVS Health, and other companies. Members also participated in a case competition group that made it to the semifinals in the Business with Integrity Case Competition, aided the community by making t-shirt dog toys for shelters and THON fundraisers, and opened themselves up to new people and opportunities. If you want to learn more about PMA, email Saige Cestone at, or visit the PMA website. PMA meetings will start again in January and take place every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. EDT on Zoom.

Profile in Management

Five Questions with…Saige Cestone:

  1. What is your academic rundown? I am a Management major with a Human Capital concentration. I have minors in Legal Environment of Business, Labor and Employment Relations, and Sociology.
  2. What do you wish you knew earlier in your academic career, that you know now? Failure and challenging yourself can be a good thing. Instead of viewing failure as a failure you can learn a lot more from it if you take it as a learning experience and use it in interviews as a show of character. It can show others your resilience and how you deal with unexpected situations and stress. As cheesy as it may sound, things happen for a reason, and just because you didn't get a certain position or do well in a certain class, maybe it's because you should be doing something else. Just keep looking and trying your best!
  3. What advice do you have for talking about the management major with recruiters? Expand your horizons and find things that will help recruiters understand a management education. For example, employment law and labor and employment relations are a huge part of the management major, so by supporting my management degree with minors in those fields it helps recruiters understand what I know and am passionate about. This can also be done through clubs and other commitments that show similar interests or different interests that expand your skills and education.
  4. What are your plans after graduating from Penn State? After graduation in May, I will be moving to Washington D.C. to work for PwC as a Management Consulting Associate in their People and Organization practice.
  5. What are you most looking forward to this winter break? I am looking forward to lots of baking, as well as being able to give gifts and celebrate the season with my family and friends (safely, of course)!

Tip for Success: Are you feeling stressed? Take a break and breath. Consider attending an event or program, including free yoga and meditation sessions, sponsored by Penn State Health Promotion & Wellness.