Smeal Update: March 4, 2022
Registration open for second Jaffe Lecture
Registration is now open for the second annual Austin J. Jaffe Real Estate Lecture, which is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. March 25 in 126 Business Building. This year’s guest is Gilles Duranton, Dean’s Chair in Real Estate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Register for this in-person event at:
Diversity Task Force plans event with SCIS alumnus
Smeal’s Diversity Task Force has planned an hour-long event with 2012 supply chain alumnus Brandon Lyons titled “Supportive & Inclusive Workplaces for Colleagues with Differing Abilities” with Brandon Lyons ’12 SCIS.\ Scheduled for 1:30-2:30 p.m. March 18, the event will enable Lyons, who is paralyzed from the chest down, to describe the support he received from his employer, EY, after his accident and since that time. Attendees can engage in a discussion about how we can all aim to create an inclusive workplace for our colleagues, regardless of different physical abilities. Registration is available for in-person attendance, as well as via Zoom webinar.
Participate in AC14 review of the dean’s office
Late Wednesday afternoon you should have received an email inviting you to participate in an official review of the dean’s office. Look for an email with the subject line “AC14 Review of the Office of Dean Whiteman.” All members of the Smeal community are invited to contribute to the review through a formal survey and interview procedure, both of which are confidential. Further explanation, as well as a link to an anonymous survey are included in the aforementioned email.
March staff years of service milestones
Two Smeal staff members are celebrating notable years of service milestones in March. Keleigh Asbury, director of Alumni Career Services, is celebrating five years in the college. And, Wallington Del Castillo, multimedia specialist in the RIIT Group, is celebrating 15 years.
Compass Consulting to reach out soon about diversity audit
As referenced in an earlier email, Compass Consulting has been commissioned to conduct an audit of the college to determine how to improve, support, and maintain positive diversity efforts. Smeal community members will be provided opportunities to participate via surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Compass will start contacting members of the Smeal community soon.
Smeal in the News
Ambrose quoted in
Brent Ambrose, Jason and Julie Borrelli Chair in Real Estate and director of the Institute for Real Estate Studies, was quoted in a story titled “Higher minimum wages help with rent defaults — until landlords raise rent, study says” in Read the story.
Meloy quoted in WalletHub Q&A
Meg Meloy, David H. McKinley Professor of Business Administration and chair of the Marketing Department, was featured in an Ask the Expert question-and-answer piece about the best car insurance in Pennsylvania. Read the story.
Question from faculty
How do I upload proof that I have received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
Faculty who have received their booster dose of a COVID-19 vaccine are strongly encouraged to share that information with the University by uploading an image of their vaccination record card into Penn State’s SalesForce Health Cloud. Individuals who have their booster shot on record with the University are not required to quarantine if they are identified as a close contact of someone who tests positive for COVID-19.
Know someone who rocks? Nominate them!
Each month the Smeal Staff Advisory Committee names a You Rock! Award recipient. You can nominate a co-worker for the You Rock! Award online.
The Smeal Community Weekly Poll
Click this link to participate in this week’s survey. Results will be shared during the next Smeal Community Zoom, which is scheduled for 1 p.m. March 14.