Your Horrible LinkedIn Profile is Costing You Money - Free Webinar

Smeal Alumni Career Services Lifelong Learning Webinar
  • What Front Page Alumni
  • When Jun 03, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (Etc/GMT-4 / UTC400)
  • Where Adobe Connect
  • Attendees Alumni, Students, Faculty, and Staff
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Interviewer: Karla Trotman, '98 Supply Chain and 3rd generation entrepreneur
Interviewee:  Jeff Gibbard, Social Media Strategist

Another Free Lifelong Learning Webinar Hosted by Smeal Alumni Career Services

Interviewer: Karla Trotman, '98, Business Logistics, started online store WHILE working full-time seven years ago. Currently, Karla is also in the process of taking over her family's 29-year old electronics manufacturing firm, Electro Soft, Inc. She attributes the success of her business and the growth of her family business to social media platforms, like LinkedIn.
Interviewee: Jeff Gibbard is a Social Media strategist, President and Founder of True Voice Media.  Known as a "public speaking fireball" and overall "social media ninja,” Jeff travels the country to work with clients and speak to professionals about effective uses of social media tools. His expertise has been highlighted in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Wired. Also, he serves as an Adjunct Professor at Drexel University, where he received his MBA.

Karla is very active with the Smeal Business Club in Philadelphia, creating a quarterly Entrepreneur Series where she invited Jeff to speak about LinkedIn. This popular event focused on how first impressions are made before one even shows up. Smeal is bringing you this live event virtually, as LinkedIn is always one of our most requested topics.

Let Karla and Jeff know you are coming by clicking this tweetable comment: Can't wait to join @jgibbard and @karlatrotman for the #psu #smeal #SmealLinkedIn LIVE event on 6/3!