The Future of Mobile Commerce
- The Future of Mobile Commerce
- 2017-04-26T12:00:00+04:00
- 2017-04-26T13:00:00+04:00
- Alumnus, Mike Alexander, ('12 Marketing, '12 Telecommunications) discusses how new mobile technology is/will be influencing our lives and the way we do business.
- What Front Page Alumni
- When Apr 26, 2017 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (Etc/GMT-4 / UTC400)
- Where Online/Zoom
- Attendees Alumni, Students, Faculty/Staff and Friends
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Presenter Mike Alexander, ('12 Marketing and Telecommunications) is a management consultant focused on mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT) strategy. His work helps companies to become digital market leaders, leveraging design thinking strategies alongside emerging technology such as artificial intelligence, beacons, and next-generation mobile devices. Mike's work spans startups to the Global 2000, with clients including three of the top four US-based wireless carriers, as well as notable names in entertainment, financial services, media and technology.
The way we exchange and manage money is changing, and it's having an impact on anyone with a checking account or a credit card. Apple Pay, peer-to-peer payments, and chip cards are the tip of the spear when it comes to changes in the world of payments, while online only-banking and AI driven advisors are influencing how we save for the future. Join Mike as he discusses how new technology and power shifts are influencing the way we bank, save, pay and get paid, and what the ripple effect means for how we do business.