Smeal Online Event - Networking by Region Through The Holidays

Smeal Online Networking Event
  • What Front Page Alumni
  • When Dec 09, 2015 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-494)
  • Where Online/Brazen
  • Attendees Alumni, Smeal Faculty and Staff
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Take a holiday break and make a new connection!

The most well attended Smeal Online Networking Event  was networking by region.  The event has been recreated to end 2015 and begin 2016.   Register and then check out the booths to see some holiday traditions from around the country.


This is a general networking event, you can network in any booth.  Get in line in all the booths at the same time
!  It is all about connecting Smeal alumni to each other online no matter where they are in the world. 

Need help, don't forget to view the instructional video at the bottom of the registration page.

For registration you will need:

  • Your public LinkedIn profile url
  • A professional picture (optional)

This online networking hour is an opportunity to make connections through brief "chat-roulette" style, 10-minute conversations and then continue the discussion with your new connections after the event through LinkedIn.

It's free, it's fun, and it's only for an hour! You can sign in from your home, office, or local library. You can even use your iPhone to participate as the event is just like texting.

Opt out anytime during the hour, but the longer you stay the more connections you will make.  You don't have to keep track of your conversations as the system does it for you.  To view your chats at any time during or after the event, just click on History at the top of your screen in the black bar.  A transcript of your conversations will be saved for you to access after each event, so you can look back at your chat history, review your notes, gather contact information and follow up!

For tips, please visit this website page.  Once you register, you can also chose to click through the instruction slides before entering the main lobby.

If you are a Smeal alum who is not a member, please join the Official Smeal LinkedIn Group to connect with other Smeal professionals.  You can see job opportunities, online and live event announcements, learn about other Smeal alumni and their companies, and more! This is an exclusive group managed by the college, and limited to only Smeal alumni.  It is the only Smeal group that has the word “Official” in its title.