Smeal LifeLong Online Networking Event

Smeal online networking event on August 5, 2015 by industry
  • What Front Page Alumni Events
  • When Aug 05, 2015 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (Etc/GMT-4 / UTC400)
  • Where Online
  • Attendees Alumni, Faculty, Staff
  • Add event to calendar iCal

No matter where you are in the world, you can sign in from your home, office, or local library. You can even use your iPhone to participate as the event is just like texting! 

It’s free, it’s for only an hour and it’s fun!  Opt out anytime during the hour, but the longer you stay the more people you will connect with. Note that you can register any time prior to the event. However, early registration is recommended.

Chat rooms will be arranged by industry for this event - Accounting, Consulting, Entrepreneur, Finance, Marketing, Operations/Supply Chain, and Sales.  There is also a Wildcard booth.