Innovation, Deep Uncertainty, and Strategic Foresight
- Innovation, Deep Uncertainty, and Strategic Foresight
- 2018-09-27T13:00:00-04:00
- 2018-09-27T14:00:00-04:00
- Free Smeal Webinar
- What Events Free webinar Front Page
- When Sep 27, 2018 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (America/New_York / UTC-400)
- Where Zoom Online Webinar Platform
- Contact Name Cindi Satterfield
- Attendees Alumni, Students, Faculty, Staff, Friends
- Web Visit external website
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This panel will explore how deep uncertainty influences business, government policy, and societal decision-making about innovations. The discussion will focus on how strategic foresight can translate into actionable insights about risks and opportunities, especially for breakthrough innovators. The panel will highlight their discussion with examples that cut across economies to include transportation, communications, energy, bio-medical, and consumer offerings. You will learn a strategic systems approach to understanding emerging technologies and the shaping of the human-technology systems frontier. Our panelists continue the discussion initiated at the recent Workshop on Strategic Foresight, Deep Uncertainty, and Leadership.
Dr. Bruce Vojak is the co-author of "Serial Innovators: How Individuals Create and Deliver Breakthrough Innovations in Mature Firms" (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2012) and five book chapters on innovation. He is also the Founder/Managing Director of Breakthrough Innovation Advisors, LLC. Prior to founding Breakthrough Innovation Advisors, Bruce served as Associate Dean and Adjunct Professor in the top-ranked College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign.
Dr. Dan Cahoy, Smeal College of Business, Penn State
Dr. Martin Pietrucha, College of Engineering, Penn State
Dr. Darryl Farber, College of Engineering, Penn State
Sponsored by the Smeal College of Business and the College of Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University