Believe it! Your Mindset Matters: Make it Work for You

Lifelong Learning Webinar - Being positive can affect your career and personal life so learn steps to a great attitude!
  • What Front Page Alumni
  • When Jun 08, 2016 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (Etc/GMT-4 / UTC400)
  • Where Adobe Connect
  • Attendees Alumni, Students, Faculty, Staff, Friends
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Cindy Cornell is a speaker, executive coach and founder of The Hoshin Group (, a leadership coaching firm that takes a whole life approach to defining success in business. Cindy works with individuals and companies to align strategy and values, clarifying and working towards her clients' unique personal definitions of Wild Success. Having worked in business for decades in a variety of global roles in myriad industries and functions prior to becoming a coach, she has a unique perspective regarding business and effective communication.

Let’s talk about attitude! It is proven that how you approach anything can determine the outcome. Find out ways to recognize how your attitude is affecting your career and life in general. Also, how to adjust that attitude to make improvements in your job, relationships, and everyday life.