ACS Life Long Learning Webinar - Branding Yourself for Career Success
Smeal Alumni Career Services Life Long Learning Webinars
- ACS Life Long Learning Webinar - Branding Yourself for Career Success
- 2014-06-04T12:00:00+04:00
- 2014-06-04T13:00:00+04:00
- Smeal Alumni Career Services Life Long Learning Webinars
- What Front Page Alumni
- When Jun 04, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM (Etc/GMT-4 / UTC400)
- Where Adobe Connect
- Attendees Alumni/Students
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Presenter: Angelo Scialfa, President of the Fox Run Group
Angelo has 27 years of sales and marketing experience with positions at Penn State Sports Properties, Madison Square Garden and Six Flags. This webinar will take you through actual steps in building your personal brand to help in your career advancement. The discussion includes an action plan necessary to start building your brand within your company, industry and among your peers.