Participants & Committee

The success of Imagine Smeal 2030 is driven by the dedication and insights of a diverse group of stakeholders who represent the broad Smeal College of Business community. The strategic planning process brings together leaders, faculty, staff, and external partners to ensure that all voices are heard and considered in shaping the future of the College.

Steering Committee Members

The Steering Committee plays a pivotal role in guiding the strategic planning process, ensuring alignment with the College’s mission, and synthesizing input from stakeholders. The members include:

  • Corey Phelps, John and Karen Arnold Dean
  • Brian Cameron, Associate Dean of Professional Graduate Programs and Executive Education
  • Jamie Campbell, Associate Dean of Diversity Enhancement Programs
  • Rebecca Cianci, Assistant Dean for Administration
  • Shawn Clark, Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Farrell Center
  • Jen Eury, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education
  • Terrence Guay, Associate Dean for International Programs and Director of Center for Global Business Studies
  • Steve Huddart, Senior Associate Dean
  • Vilmos Misangyi, Professor of Strategic Management
  • Ashley Rippey, Director, Business Career Center
  • Ron Wagner, Director of Marketing
  • Lara Warner, Co-Chair, Board of Visitors
  • Salo Sredni, Co-Chair, Board of Visitors

Stakeholder Engagement Approach

The strategic planning process emphasizes inclusivity by engaging a wide range of stakeholders. Participants include faculty, staff, students (undergraduate, master’s, and PhD), alumni, corporate partners, and university leaders. Input is gathered through various channels, such as:

  • Focus Groups: Interactive sessions with faculty, staff, students, alumni, and advisory boards.
  • Surveys: Comprehensive surveys designed for internal and external audiences to capture a wide range of ideas and perspectives.
  • Interviews: One-on-one discussions with key stakeholders, including corporate partners and university leadership.
  • Town Halls: Open forums to update the community and gather feedback on the evolving plan.

By uniting these voices, Imagine Smeal 2030 ensures the resulting strategic plan reflects the aspirations and priorities of the entire Smeal community. This collaborative effort highlights the College's commitment to inclusivity and shared vision as we collectively shape the future of business education.