The Penn State Smeal College of Business Rogers Family Trading Room learning laboratory offers Penn State students from all levels access to software for research, risk modeling, and interactive trading simulations.
When the trading room was established in 2001, Smeal was among the first business schools in the nation to invest in such a unique learning environment. Since then, it has become home to numerous classes and student organizations.

The Rogers Family Trading Room offers financial software products that can be useful for research and analysis. All Penn State students and faculty members are welcome to use the software.
Introductory classes for learning how to use these products are regularly offered in the Trading Room. Additionally, many of these products offer self-paced certification programs for users to develop and demonstrate knowledge of the software. They include:

Student Organizations
The student organizations and programs listed below utilize the Rogers Family Trading Room while conducting real market evaluation, trading, and other activities related to their organization.
Nittany Lion Fund
A student run portfolio with more than $12.5 million assets under management (real dollars). The Fund provides students with the opportunity to apply financial concepts and to develop the skills for succeeding in the financial industry.
Learn MoreLeveraged Lion Capital
The country's first student managed portfolio of leveraged loans and high yield bonds provides students the opportunity to learn about the markets for fixed income securities. This paper portfolio invests in $125 million of speculative-grade debt.
Learn MorePenn State Asset Management Group
Students learn about options, futures, credit default swaps, and other derivative securities by managing a paper portfolio that invests in these securities. To become part of this group, students first attend educational sessions offered by the Penn State Derivatives Association.
Learn MoreClasses Offered
Several classes are offered through the Trading Room which gives students a unique blend of analysis, theory, and practical application using cutting-edge technology.
Learn MoreCalendar of Events
To see a full listing of events and courses taking place in the Trading Room, click the link below.
View EventsOur Benefactors
The Trading Room has greatly benefitted from the generous contributions from David and Patricia Rogers and many others.